Ella Kerzhner DMD treats
08060 gum disease for patients who need relief from their symptoms. Gum disease therapy is done for patients who have different levels of inflammation that may be caused by plaque and tartar. Gum disease can also be hereditary.
As food gets trapped in between teeth, it causes bacteria and sugars to eat away and create a hard substance called plaque and tartar over the tooth. Plaque can cause gingivitis and other problems with the gums. Our
08060 gum disease treatment is one way to clean the teeth and help rid them of the excess bacteria and inflammation. Gum disease and tooth decay make the teeth more susceptible to cavities. Cavities are usually a major reason for extractions, as the cavity may have progressed to a state of bad tooth decay. Having a teeth cleaning every year is critical to keeping teeth and gums healthy.
Reducing plaque buildup and tooth decay can help to prevent cavities and gum disease as well as the recession of gums. For
08060 gum disease treatment, we employ different methods depending on the patient and their needs. Brushing and flossing alone is not sufficient for removing plaque and tartar, even with daily care. Tartar should be scraped off the teeth because it regenerates daily. Our teeth cleaning is a great way to scrape off the plaque that contributes to problems. Dental cleanings are done in order to clean the mouth of bacteria and prevent plaque and tartar from building up. During a periodontal cleaning, we use special instruments to get deep under the gums. A periodontal cleaning is done when there is severe gum loss or gum disease and gets under the flaps of the gums and down into the pockets of the teeth, where bacteria hides.
Ella Kerzhner DMD
811 Woodlane Rd,
Westampton, NJ 08060
(609) 267-1038
By Ella Kerzhner DMD
February 27, 2019
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